Avoiding Sexual Dangerswww.avoidingsexualdangers.com Information, resources, links for parents to protect their children. Includes parent checklists, setting parental controls, how-to videos, and blog.
Center for the Prevention of Sexual and Domestic Violence (CPSDV)http://www.cpsdv.org/ An inter-religious educational resource addressing religious issues associated with sexual and domestic violence. Offers presentations, books, and videos.
Child Abuse Watchwww.abusewatch.net Child abuse prevention network providing a centralized source of easy-to-access and understand child abuse prevention information. Designed for the public and for professionals.
Child Lures Preventionhttp://www.childluresprevention.com/Child, family, and community education to prevent child sexual abuse.Offers resources for schools, parents, professionals, and media to increase awareness regarding sexual exploitation, abduction, internet crime. Provides information on lures used by predators and avoidance skills.
Child Molestation Research & Prevention Institute
http://www.childmolestationprevention.org/ A national science-based nonprofit organization dedicated to preventing child sexual abuse through research, education, and family support. Focus is on provision of information to professionals and families that promotes early awareness of warning signs and early diagnosis and treatment for the sex offender, if possible before abuse occurs.
Darkness to Light http://www.darkness2light.org/Provides information on how to prevent, recognize, and react responsibly to child sexual abuse. Initiatives include national media campaign, 7 Steps to Protecting Children, national helpline and website, and advocacy for change in laws and policies to better protect children.
KidSafe Foundationhttp://www.kidsafefoundation.org/The mission of the KidSafe Foundation is to bring prevention education to parents, children, and educators. Through the website and newsletter they provide information about child safety and offer techniques for use in teaching children about personal safety. The goal is to empower children to make safer and smarter choices.
MedlinePlus: Child Abuse Diagnosis and Information
http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/childabuse.htmlMedlinePlus provides information regarding the abuse of children. The site offers resources and links to recent research, laws, statistics, and age-specific and gender-specific information.
Mothers Against Sexual Predators At Large (MASPAL) http://maspal.net/statement.htmlThe mission of Mothers Against Sexual Predators at Large (MASPAL) is to protect children from sexual predators. They maintain a website with information and support for victims and their families. They are actively involved in accessing new information and gathering statistics in order to educate the public. They are dedicated to identifying problem areas in the protection of children.
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC)
http://www.ncmec.org/ National clearinghouse for information on missing children and prevention of child victimization. Website offers wealth of child protection information. Offers toll-free phone and web response to report sexual exploitation, abuse, or abduction of children.
http://www.cybertipline.com/ CyberTipline is toll-free line to report information about sexual exploitation of children on the web or other child pornography. 1-800-LOST to report sexually exploited, abused, or missing children.
The National Children's Advocacy Center (NCAC)
http://www.nationalcac.org/ Non-profit agency providing prevention, intervention, and treatment services to abused children and their families. Was the nation's first Children's Advocacy Center.
Prevent Child Abuse America (PCAA)
http://www.preventchildabuse.org/ National volunteer-based organization committed to preventing child abuse through research, education, and advocacy. Resource for comprehensive information and referrals in child abuse prevention. Offers catalog of publications.
Stop the Silencehttp://www.stopcsa.org/ Works towards prevention and treatment of child sexual abuse. Goals of increasing awareness and addressing relationship between child sexual abuse prevention and overall family and community violence.
YELLO DYNO: Protecting Children from Child Predators
http://www.yellodyno.com/YELLO DYNO provides information to both parents and teachers to help in the safety education of children. They provide evidence-based curriculum based on the scientific research of Dr. Roger Sperry, Nobel Prize winner. It works because the information is stored in the part of the brain that activates "fight or flight" response. The site also provides statistics, news clips, and other resources.