Facebook Chat Page

The MOSAC Chat Page, a private, confidential Facebook group, is available for mothers of sexually abused children. This is a very active and supportive group of mothers. Please take advantage of this opportunity to talk to other mothers, sharing with and supporting each other. We have some restrictions to membership, and it is essential that all moms wanting to join follow the directions below. We must keep the group safe for all moms, so that they can share freely and get the support they need.

NOTE BEFORE READING DIRECTIONS: Be sure to answer question regarding group confidentiality.

Directions to Join the MOSAC Chat Page:

1) Go to the link below to request membership.

2) Be sure to answer all questions. The request will be denied if questions are not answered. This has been a problem, as I have been unable to approve moms who request membership, but do not answer all the questions. 

3) After completing the questions, you will receive a response from the Administrator within 24 hours.

Added Note: to Professionals and Survivors:  Some who are not moms of sexually abused children have asked to join the group. The consensus of the group is that only mothers of sexually abused children can join. They want to maintain privacy and a sense of safety in the group. I hope that you understand, and that you find alternative sources of information and support.

Additional Note: Grandmothers will be approved IF they are the custodial parent of the abused child and are facing the same struggles that moms in this group are experiencing.  

Direct Link to Chat Page

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